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September 20th! The big day is here!

Big thanks to Sam's Grandparents

Bali Beach check in

#balibirthday off we go!

Sam at school

Sam becoming an IT Angel at his school!

Nintendo switch epic unboxing.

Day 1 of our holiday pre-Australia

Sam and his amazing robotic arm!

Sam opening his Christmas gifts

Christmas concert part 7

Christmas concert part 6

Christmas concert part 5

Christmas concert part 4

Christmas concert part 3

Hello world, Sam here. Welcome to the comments section.
bon matin Samuel, Lundi matin ici et il fait toujours aussi beau que quand vous êtes partis la semaine dernière.
J’aime beaucoup tes vidéos et je suis certaine que tu as beaucoup de plaisir. Gros bisous de ta mamie xxx
Hola Samuel, what a good teacher you are!!! Thanks for sharing this new way of getting in touch with you.
Have a beautiful day.
We are going to a birthday party at Papie’s brother and I’ll make sure I’ll have a roasted marshmallow for you.
love you lots
Sweet! Matt and I love Sam Says, and I really enjoyed reading your post about Iceland, Kath. While the scenery and friendly locals are definitely the noteworthy part, I’m also quite fond of the names there. I wouldn’t mind being Erica Robertsdottir.
Keep adventuring! Now to check out PokéSam…
Hi Sam,
Sounds like you are having a wonderful time already, and it hasn’t even been a week.
Quite funny that you already met someone who has a Winnipeg connection.
We love your informative postings – keep them coming.
Grammy and Grandpa
I cannot believe that we got 3 videos today!!! Thank you so much for sharing your adventure with us.
love you lots
Hi Sam! Sebastian thinks you should go see the Ghost Lego section 🙂
big hugs!
Sebastian xoxo
Wow, tu fais tellement de différentes choses que tu dois être très fatigué le soir. Je suis contente que tu sais maintenant comment conduire une auto; tu pourras conduire la van à papie à ton retour 🙂
gros bisous et bon dimanche
Sam, I’m glad to see that you are having an amazing time with Papa at Legoland while I work on my article here at the cottage. I have been writing all day long so that I don’t miss out on any more adventures with you. If I were there I would tell you not to go into the haunted house or try the ride that will make you soaking wet, but since I’m not there as the voice of reason you should do whatever you and Papa decide. Tell Papa to think about what happened when Pascale let Véronic try a haunted house when she was your age and they were visiting us in England. I think that will help him to make the right decision.
Lol! Nothing happened… I swear!
Sam, I bet you’re way ahead of me in PokémonGO! You must be catching so many cool creatures – far more than I can find in Barrhaven. 🙂 When you’re back, maybe you can take over a gym in my neighbourhood.
Thinking of you! Thanks for the videos.
Déjà une semaine de terminée à ton chalet et demain vous partez pour une autre aventure!! Je vous souhaite bonne route.
J’ai beaucoup aimé tes vidéos aujourd’hui. Très intéressant. J’espère que ta guimauve rôtie était bonne 🙂
love you lots
mamie xxx
We enjoyed your exploration video of the farm. Hope you find all the vegetables you bought delicious.
Salut! We got caught up on some of Sam’s videos. Thanks for the energetic reports! Wondering what happened to piano post after tour of cottage! Miss you! Amy & Henri
Merci pour le spectacle de piano! Très impressionnant!
Hola Hola, Mardi matin et je suis contente d’avoir un vidéo de toi. Bonne journée à Copenhague et surtout bonne traversée pour aller en Norvège.
Nous aussi nous retournons chez-nous. Nous serons sur la route toute la journée.
La température est belle alors je suis certaine que tout ira bien.
je t’aime, gros bisous à vous 3
gros bisous et gros merci pour les vidéos. xxx
Merci et gros bisous à toi mamie!
It’s been two whole days with no videos. Which one of you is slacking – the videographer or the webmaster? 🙂
I agree with Erica, where are your videos? You must be very busy but I miss you. Sending our love xxx
Oh Samuel, it was just like the movie!! Even your mommy had tears in her eyes 🙂
Thanks a lot for the video, so happy for you that you are having a great time.
J’ai dit à grand-papa que tu étais en voyage et il a fait un sourire 🙂
gros bisous de mamie et papie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Je te dis que j’étais contente de voir 6 vidéos!!! Tu sembles avoir beaucoup de plaisir à Paris et je pense que ton papa le Patou a aussi autant de plaisir que toi 🙂
J’ai bien hâte de voir le vidéo de votre Moulin sur la Loire. Ca doit être fantastique.
Gros bisous de papie et mamie, à demain xxx
Thank you so much for the tour of the Moulin!!! That is bloody freaking amazing!! What a beautiful place to spend a month!!
It is Saturday and I hope you are back at the beach. Love you lots
Hola Samuel,
Que se passe-t-il? Pas de vidéo? J’imagine que vous devez être très occupé à la plage 🙂 J’ai vu ta photo avec ta maman, quelle belle photo.
ET beau chapeau aussi!!!
Wow! Votre visite au château Tiffauges me rappelle Warrick Castle. J’aurais aimé être avec vous et faire une petite compétition de tir à l’arbalette! Après le vidéo de Sam cependant, la compétition aurait été féroce.
Do you think those baguettes would travel well by international post? OM NOM NOM!!
Wow, how magical that Mechanical Animals Park in Nantes. C’était vraiment intéressant et tu es chanceux d’avoir eu la chance de voir ces animaux méchaniques.
Merci de partager ces belles aventures avec nous.
Je t’aime gros comme un tapir
mamie xxxxxxx
Hola Samuel,
Je viens de regarde le vidéo du combat d’épée, un duel, avec un ami du chateau. Beau travail. Je me demande bien où tu as appris à manier l’épée de cette facon? 🙂
Je suis contente de vous savoir en Italie.
Ah oui, j’aime beaucoup tes pantoufles, ce sont les plus belles que j’ai vues. Je pense que ton grand-papa les aimerait aussi 🙂
J’étais très contente de te parler ce soir.
Amusez-vous bien; gros bisous à vous trois. XXX
Matt totally geeked out at the caterpillar video. “Very hungry caterpillar Sam!!!!”
Hi Sam! We watched your battle at Puy de Fou – well done! Bravo! Amy & Henri
Quel éléphant! Tu fais bien ça, Sam! Un vrai petit journaliste! Amy & Henri
Great tutorial on baguettes! Yes, we’ve had French baguettes before. De plus, tu nous donnes le goût d’y retourner pour en manger de novueau! Merci Sam!Amy et Henri
Message from Sam:
“Thank you for all the great comments. I appreciate everything you say and hope you’re all enjoying the videos.”
Hi! We just got caught up on some of your videos – such an amazing trip. Amy & Henri
I loved your visit to the Cat Cafe. It was so interesting how they all found such interesting places to hang out. I hope your parents’ allergies didn’t bother them too much. You were very quiet when you were exploring….were you told to act that way? Hope you are enjoyable no your cruise and all the kids club activities.
I love your Chiang Mai videos, Sam! I think my favourite was the lantern – maybe there are too many trees here for lantern launching. I wonder where they all land….
Thanks for the great tour of your new home. It looks lovely, so spacious and airy. We hope you have a whole nerveless time there. Just think of a snowball from Winnieg sliding down your neck if the weather there gets too hot!
Love ,
Grammy and Grandpa
We loved your video of the donut eating. Our favourite part wasn’t the custard, the chocolate or the coating. It was your expression of delight after biting into it.
Grammy and Grandpa
Is the green fruit on the tree freijoa (not sure if that is the correct spelling)?
No not quite as exotic…they are just avocados.